UX Digital Blog

Posts by:

Emily Dorman

UX-Digital: The Marketing Alphabet

The Marketing Alphabet, It's as easy as A, B, C!

Marketing can be a difficult industry to navigate, it's full of catchy phrases, jargon, technical terms and flowery language that can be incredibly daunting to the uninitiated. So whether you're new to a marketing role or looking for marketing services for your business our easy marketing alphabet is the perfect crash course to marketing terminology. It really is as easy as A, B, C!

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7 Digital Marketing Trends to Consider in Your Next Marketing Budget

7 Digital Marketing Trends to Consider in Your Next Marketing Budget

The last two years have been a challenging time for all businesses and that has necessitated cuts to most budgets particularly marketing.

According to Gartner's Annual CMO marketing budget report, marketing budgets decreased by 6.4% during 2020, that's the biggest decline in the survey's history.

72% of marketing budgets are now spent on pure digital channels and that is likely to continue increasing as traditional bricks and mortar business models keep declining and consumers continue to engage with social media platforms and opt for online products and services. 

With so many marketing trends emerging as a result of the Pandemic and budgets being cut across all industries it’s more important than ever to make sure you're using your budget effectively. Take a look at our top 7 digital marketing trends to make the most of your marketing budget post-pandemic.

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6 Easy Steps To Ditch The Funnel & Get Your Flywheel Spinning

The Funnel is dead. Long live the flywheel!

For most businesses the funnel has always been a reliable, tried, and tested approach to marketing. But now that tired old funnel isn’t converting the number of leads to customers that it once did and it repeatedly wastes the potential of existing customers, in short, it’s dead and it’s time for a new approach…

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